
Bamboo as a Medicament for Back Problems

Bamboo as a Medicament for Back Problems

Author: Franziska Roemer

In bamboo, a powerful incoming light principle meets with a stable, rhythmically organized and elastic shoot. The silica process is particularly developed in the plant, which is the image in nature of a healthy vertebral column.

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No. 12 Sinusitis

No. 12 Sinusitis

The creation of air spaces in the skull – the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid andethmoid sinuses takes place in close connection with the process of breathing.

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No. 9 Spinal Column Diseases

No. 9 Spinal Column Diseases

The remedies described below are compounds of specifically effective medicinal plants with corresponding metals and animal organ (cow) substances in potentized form.

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Severe Back Pain

Severe Back Pain

Early in December 1996, Mrs A. M., retired farmer’s wife, came to see me because of severe pain in the left hip.

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