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Anthroposophic Remedy Revival

Anthroposophic Remedy Revival

The article by Dr. Mark Hancock is intended to remind Anthroposophic Practitioners of the common uses of the remedies which the industry could lose shortly due to lack of use.

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New Remedy for Lyme Disease

New Remedy for Lyme Disease

Author: Dr. Steven Johnson

We are pleased to introduce a new remedy which we hope will be an important contribution to the support of patients confronted with new onset and chronic Lyme disease, as well as other tick-related conditions.

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Long COVID from the Perspective of Anthroposophic Medicine – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Long COVID from the Perspective of Anthroposophic Medicine – Symptoms and Treatment Options

Authors: Henrik Szőke, Markus Sommer, Eva Streit, Christian Grah, Madeleen Winkler, Philipp Busche, Severin Pöchtrager, Jan Mergelsberg, Carla Wullschleger, Katharina Gerlach, Rolf Heine, Robert Fitger, Harald Matthes, Georg Soldner

Long COVID from the Perspective of Anthroposophic Medicine – Symptoms and Treatment Options. Recommendations of an international expert commission for health professionals.

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Working through Flu and Flu-like Symptoms

Working through Flu and Flu-like Symptoms

Author: Adam Blanning

There are many small things we can do to help support each other through a flu. We can collectively work to understand “When I am sick, what is my body trying to accomplish, what does it need to do to get better?” and then we work to support those tasks.

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Why Detox? A Truly Holistic Approach

Why Detox? A Truly Holistic Approach

Author: Molly Mcmullen

Studies show our bodies contain somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 toxic chemicals (those being the ones we can identify). Some of these toxins are naturally occurring through the breakdown of foods and medicines we knowingly put in our bodies.

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Tooth Decay a Journey of Personal Responsibility and Nutrition

Tooth Decay a Journey of Personal Responsibility and Nutrition

Author: Beth Ingham

Seventeen years ago while having my teeth cleaned, I overheard the patient in the adjoining cubicle ask the dentist if there was anything she could do to keep her teeth from decaying. he emphatically stated, “No, there is nothing you can do. your teeth are soft and are going to continue to decay for the rest of your life.”

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The Threefold and Fourfold Nature of the Human Organism

The Threefold and Fourfold Nature of the Human Organism

Author: J. J. Kuehn

Conventional medicine sees humans as determined by physiological/chemical and physical phenomena, measurable like specimens in a test tube. Accordingly, since soul/spiritual faculties are rarely or never measurable, their relationship to the physiological-chemical or physical attributes is largely unknown.

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The Role of the Host Tree in Mistletoe Therapy

The Role of the Host Tree in Mistletoe Therapy

Author: Steven Johnson

The scientific understanding of mistletoe has advanced greatly against the imaginative backdrop presented out of spiritual science by Rudolf Steiner, PhD. Yet, as Dr. Steiner so often elaborated, the results of spiritual science can always be validated scientifically (and in many cases that has already proven true).

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