

Browse our recommended reads here, with topics ranging from introductory anthroposophic materials to mistletoe therapy for specific conditions. Each book is linked so you can shop at your convenience.

Pre-Order Form: Physician’s Remedy Guide, Volume 11
Physicians Remedy Guide Volume 11


Physician Remedy Guide Pre-Order Form

Pre-Orders for the Physician Remedy Guide, Volume 11

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The Physician Remedy Guide is for Licensed Practitioners Only. Please indicate your License Type.
A Sprial Bound, Printed Guide, Volume 11
Price: $60.00
A Searchable USB Drive, Volume 11
Price: $20.00

Physician’s Remedy Guide

Volume 10


Integrative and Adjuvant Treatments Supporting Mistletoe Therapy

Digital Download


Compendium of Mistletoe Therapy with Helixor in Integrative Oncology

Digital Download


Compendium of Helleborus niger aquos Therapy

Digital Download


Anthroposophic Nursing Practice

By: Rolf Heine

Available on Steinerbooks

Vademecum of Mistletoe Therapy 2019

Available on PAAM

Anthroposophic Medicine for All the Family: Recognizing and Treating the Most Common Disorders

By: Sergio Maria Francardo

Available on Google Play

Complete Healing: Regaining Your Health Through Anthroposophical Medicine

By: Michael Evans and Iain Rodger

Available on Thriftbooks


Spiritual Science and the Art of Healing: Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Medicine

By: Victor Bott

Available on Thriftbooks


Form, Life, and Consciousness : An Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine and Study of the Human Being

By: Armin J. Husemann

Available on Thriftbooks


Anthroposophical Medicine

By: Michael Evans and Iain Rodger

Available on Thriftbooks


Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology

By: Steven Johnson, Nasha Winters, Adam Blanning, Marion Debus, Paul Faust, Mark Hancock, and Peter Hinderberger

Available on Steinerbooks


The Healing Power of the Christmas Rose: The Medicinal Value of Black Hellebore

By: Johannes Wilkens

Available on Steinerbooks


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